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Debesh Jha, Ph.D.,

Senior Research Associate, Department of Radiology, Northwestern University

My primary research focuses on developing AI algorithms for medical imaging, covering upper and lower GI tract, lung and liver tumors, and predictive modeling for radiation therapy. I also investigate organ-at-risk assessment and dose prediction to elevate the accuracy and effectiveness of radiation therapy. In the past, I have developed algorithms for colonoscopy/endoscopy. One of our recent algorithms, ColonSegNet and data, Kvasir-SEG has been by NVIDIA Clara. I am highly optimistic about the potential of AI tools to function as an additional diagnostic support for radiologists, enabling enhanced healthcare quality and informed decision-making.

Recent News:

  • 2 papers are accepted at the 2024 CVPR Workshop.
  • Acting as an associate editor for Frontiers in Radiation Oncology.
  • Acting as an associate editor for Medical Physics Journal.
  • One paper was accepted at the ICML workshop in 2023.
  • One paper was accepted at MIDL 2023.
  • We are hiring Postdoctoral Researchers and Clinical Research Associates (Radiologists) at our Lab.
  • We are looking for multiple PhD students and summer interns at our Lab.
  • Selected as Junior Distinguished Research and Development (R&D) Award for the year 2022 by the IEEE Chicago Section Award committee.
  • Our Kvasir-SEG dataset was mentioned in the “Artificial Intelligence Index Report 2022″ from Stanford University.
  • I am serving as the Guest Editor of “Applications of Artificial Intelligence for the Diagnosis of Gastrointestinal Diseases.” Please feel free to submit your work.
  • I am serving as the Guest Editor of “Machine-Learning-Based Process and Analysis of Medical Images“. Kindly consider your high-quality work.
  • One paper was accepted at MICCAI 2022.

Guest & Associate Editor

Frontiers in Oncology

Medical Physics



Ongoing Competitions and Challenges


Awards and Honors

  • Received Junior Distinguished Research and Development (R&D) Award for the year 2022 by the IEEE Chicago Section Award committee.
  • Received the first-ever Paper with Code Contributor Award
  • MICCAI 2022 Student Travel Award (Co-author)
  • CBMS 2020 Best Presentation Award Finalist
  • Best paper award at International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC 2018), Hawaii, USA.
  • Best Poster Presentation award at International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC 2018), Hawaii, USA.
  • Mahatma Gandhi Scholarship, Government of India (2006-2007).
  • Fully funded PhD Program at UiT The Arctic University of Norway
  • Fully Funded Master’s Degree program at Chosun University, Republic of Korea

Research Interest

  • Medical image analysis, Medical image segmentation, Deep learning, Radiation therapy, Dose Prediction, Gastrointestinal endoscopy & wireless capsule endoscopy, Polyp segmentation, detection, and localization, Surgical data science, Prostrate and lung cancer segmentation, Robust and trustworthy AI systems, Ethical AI, Sport Analytics

Professional Activities

PC Member and reviewer


CBMS 2023 (PC Member)

ImageCLEF (Organizer)

MICCAI 2023 (Reviewer)







  • IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
  • Medical Image Analysis
  • IEEE Transactions on Neural Network and Learning Systems
  • IEEE Transaction on Artificial Intelligence
  • Pattern Recognition
  • IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
  • IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
  • Neurocomputing
  • IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
  • Applied Soft Computing
  • Computers in Biology and Medicine
  • World Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
  • Artificial Intelligence In Medicine
  • Medical Physics
  • Diagnostics
  • Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering
  • Signal Processing: Image Communication
  • PLOS One
  • Digital Signal Processing
  • IET image Processing
  • IET computer vision
  • Electronics Letter
  • Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence
  • International Journal of imaging systems and technology


  • MICCAI Member
  • RSNA Member
  • Norwegian COINS Research School of Computer and Information Security
  • Artificial intelligence Lab, Oslo Metropolitan University, Oslo, Norway
  • IEEE Member

I am open to collaboration related to my research topics. If you are interested in these topics, please contact me.